Sunday, May 3, 2009

Canoe Trip

Today was a day of rest ( and boy did I need it)...yesterday Pete and I went on a canoe trip on the Pine River.I have.. canoed a bit since I have been here in MN ..but nothing compares to the canoe trip yesterday. The trip was a 15 mile 7hour trip...the time went by quickly ..I thought.. it didn`t feel like 7 hours until the last half hour then both Pete and I were happy to hear traffic and see the pick up point.. The day was glourious beautiful mostly sunny but even when the sun went behind the clouds the beauty of the billowy clouds that Mn has like no other gave a warm hug from nature every time you looked at them.

The trip was wonderful I saw about 4 eagle .,pretty close not like when you see them sitting in a tree by the river scouting for their next meal but closest I`ve seen them thus far..

Pete and I stopped and had lunch on shore but little did we know that we were sharing it with others or that 'the'.. others.. were sharing us.. with each other ! ....hang in there you will understand what mean when I tell you who our guest.we had sat in a bed of "tic`s"well I sat and Pete took a short power nap would of been a heck of alot shorter..had he realised who`s home we had invaded lucky enough we both only had a couple on us which is remarkable considering.

Pete had me in the stern of the canoe for a little while.. glad it was a short lesson but will get more I'm sure.. he said what seems confusing will evetually become second nature. I'm looking forward to more canoe trips He is talking about getting a group trip together which sound like fun. we will just have to look our lunch spot a littlr over a litlle

1 comment:

MN Mom said...

You will have to call it the "TICKle" me canoe trip! haha

Sounds like you had fun which is more than I can say for my trip down the Little Pine, which as I told you, goes down in my top ten worst "for FUN" experiences ever! I think it ranks #2 only topped by my first and only MN. State Fair trip.